Hi PPl!!! Yep, it's me again.
No more 90th anniversary practices, when the whole choir is split up :( This means back to the old sectionals-then-combined-sectionals thing again. :) But now, the sec 4s are no longer with us D=
In other words...we HAVE TO JIAYOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Erm...oh yah. Something is happening to a few of the sop 1-ers!!!! Our names are CHANGING !!!! I am Chiachiacreepycrawlie now, then we have chrissybug, tzetzefly, loloant and huihuibeetle XD Anyone who wants to join in this crazy idea can follow these steps
1)Use a part of your name and repeat it or use a nickname
2) Add an insect name
3)Ensure that the names from step one and two are not repeated in another person's name
4)Announce it on THIS blog's tagboard!!!!
5) Ta-daaaa! You've got a new name!!!
Ohyah, i would like to tell Loyee to JIAYOU!!!!! u're excellent and nice. So just jiayou, kk? We <3 u! ^w^
Oh, would like to wish all the best for Yangzi, our great ex-conductor:( that she will perform her very best in her conductor assessment/exam/anything!!!! Jiayou, yangzi!
hmmph...i thought of something...
it feels so strange to use jiamin's email address to post things in the blog...but then again, she was in this konkonkonkam-SYF batch...then again again she's graduating...then again again
again I don't feel like using any other email address to sign into this special blog...cos u see, it sort's of represent the Mamoru song, while the URL of this blog represent Como Compongo, and tt title up there is everyone sang...so we have the 3 SYF choir song elements here...
Conclusion: I like the email address
...I realise the above paragraph is quite useless...
Oh well, NYChoir, jiayou next wk and forever!
We're A cut above the rest!
sop1 sec 2 teoc4