Sunday, April 22, 2007

can you hear the caustic ticking of the clock. 3 more days the clock goes tick tock tick tock.

it's all very simple. a dose of sincerity, a pinch of love, an understanding of the music, and our smiles. just...we need to put the CHORDS right in MAMORU, and the DYNAMICS in COMO COMPONGO. and for everyone sang, just sing feeling more and more rejuvenated with each verse progression. it's all very simple. if we look at ms lim and smile from within, our music's gonna shineeee. and honours will be a bonus. the best thing out of this is the experience we get to share with all of us.

nanyang choir, a cut above the rest. no matter what, no matter how. we're the ones. :)

love jiamin

p.s como compongo loves us : D

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