Sunday, April 22, 2007

i'm not good with words. but we don't need words to write about what this choir is capable of. we know, in our hearts, that we can create awesome music.

(: we are nanyang choir.

after performing on 25th, the judges will go: that was sheer music.

just believe it, and do it.

we've been a hell lot. all those sectionals, the combines, workshops, lunch practices. let it not come to naught. we've been through tense moments, periods of agony when for some queer reason we just cannot sing for nuts. sometimes we dread the monotony of drilling the same phrase over and over again. but don't let it discourage you. move on.

3 days till the day we've been putting in so much effort for. don't disappoint yourself by having a few lousy minutes on stage. let's make those few minutes a breathtaking and memorable performance that'll leave the judges gaping with awe.

have faith, nyc.

{somehow nanyang hui fa guang comes to mind o.O okay sorry so anticlimax but i just had to add that in! HAHA}


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